Curl Mac

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  3. Curl Machine For Hair

Known Issues - Curl RTE 8.0 - Mac Release

Curl Mac

MAC makeup mascaras define, extend and lift lashes with creamy formulas and tailor-made brushes for remarkable curl, length and volume. The curl command allows us to query URLs from the command line. In this Linux/Mac terminal tutorial, we will be learning how to use the cURL command. CURL is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP. Curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP. Curl the 'Mac' rock the house!! Mac must reads Closed for the Season. 02 February 2021 Dear Club Member: I hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. In light of the recent ongoing developments with the COVID-19 Pandemic and the state of emergency declared by the Province.


GUI and Graphics

Mac: Not getting all host appearance setting updates

Changes to the system appearance do not appear on some Curl controls untilthe Curl applet is reloaded.

Mac: Curl RadioButton and CheckButton behave different from the same controls in Mac.

Using the tab key to navigate between RadioButtons and CheckButtons does not work in Curl applets on the Mac.Also, using the space bar to select and deselect RadioButtons and Checkbuttons does not work in Curl appletson the Mac.

Mac: Aqua RichTextArea style shortcuts nonfunctional in plugins Losslesscut windows.

The shortcuts for bold, italic and underline do not work properly in RichTextAreason the Mac.

Mac: The back, reload and other buttons of safari button can be clicked in Safari, when modal dialog popup.

A user can use the navigation buttons on Safari when a Curl modal dialog is shown by a Curl applet loaded in Safari.

Mac: copy on Mac does not follow platform conventions for copying words

Copying and pasting of words on the Mac does not properly preserve the surrounding whitespace.

Mac: Scrollbar thumb is cropped by the down arrow on short Aqua scrollbars.

Open my amazon music library. On a Mac, the thumb of a ScrollBar in a Curl applet can appear cropped when the ScrollBaris short in height for a vertical scrollbar or narrow for a horizontal scrollbar.

Using CTRL+click or Apple Key+click on a link to a Curl applet does not open new tab

If you hold down the control key on a PC or the Apple key on a Mac and click on a link to a Curl applet, the linkedapplet will not open up in a new tab.

Mac:'Open at Login' seems not very well.

If you set the Curl RTE to be 'Opened at Login' on the Mac, the RTE will not stay openall the time unless the RTE is in use.

Mac: Print and Page Setup dialogs don't work well

The Print and Page Setup dialogs on the Mac may not behave as expected. These modal dialogsmay remain posted after the applet that raised these dialogs is reloaded.

OS, Browser and Server Issues

Mac: Running applets with Safari 4 or 5 will need to check 'Open in 32-bit mode'

The Curl RTE plugin will not work properly with Safari 4.0 when Safari is runin 64-bit mode. On some older machines Safari will never run in 64-bit mode.This can be worked around by selecting 'Get Info' from the menu on the Safariicon and enabling 'Open in 32-bit mode', however it will make Safari run in32-bit mode always.

Mac: After click the Curl icon in dock, it should bring the Curl Control Panel.

Currenlty, on a Mac, in order to bring up the Curl RTE control panel, the user must click on theCurl icon in the system dock and selectthe Curl icon in the dock must be choose the Show Control Panel menu choice.

Curl machine home gym

Mac: Middle-click in applet in Firefox results in scrolling icon

When a Curl applet is running inside Firefox on the Macintosh, and the user presses the middle mousebutton, Firefox will display an icon indicating that the user may scroll the page by movingthe mouse. The mouse button events are delivered to Curl as normal, and no scrollingoccurs; however, this icon remains displayed until another mouse button is pressed.

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The curl project mostly provides source packages. Other packages are kindly provided by external persons and organizations.

Source Archives

curl 7.76.1, Released on the 14th of April 2021. Changelog for 7.76.1.

Download Wizard

Need help to select what to download? Use the curl Download Wizard! Download dropbox folder for mac.


Chrome NaCl
Mac OS X
Midnight BSD
Open Server
Tru64 UNIX

Curl Mac Download

AIX 5.1
AIX 5.1
AIX 5.3 7.75.0binaryMichael Felt
AIX 6.1 7.74.0binaryAIX Toolbox
AIX 6.1 7.74.0develAIX Toolbox
AmigaOS m68k7.14.0binaryDiego Casorran
AmigaOS 4 PPC7.65.3binaryMichael Trebilcock
AmigaOS 4 PPC7.65.3libcurlMichael Trebilcock
BeOS 7.12.3binaryMarcin Konicki
Chrome NaCl
Chrome NaCl 7.44.0binarywebports
DOS 7.76.1binaryMichael Kostylev
DOS 7.21.6binarySvarDOS
FreeBSD 7.75.0source
Haiku 7.74.0source
HPUX 11.00
HPUX 11.11
HPUX 11.23
Hurd - Arch
Hurd Arch 7.60.0binaryArch Hurd
Hurd Arch 7.60.0sourceArch Hurd
IRIX 6.5 7.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux ARM7.76.1binaryTravis Burtrum
Linux ARM647.76.1binaryTravis Burtrum
Linux i3867.76.1binaryTravis Burtrum
Linux i3867.30.0binaryErmine
Linux MIPSel7.17.1binary
Linux MIPSel7.10.7binaryMaciej W. Rozycki
Linux PPC647.76.1binaryTravis Burtrum
Linux StrongARM7.9.7binaryDominik Radziszowski
Linux x86_647.76.1binaryTravis Burtrum
Linux - Alpine
Linux Alpine 7.76.1sourceAlpine Linux
Linux - Alt
Linux Alt 7.76.1binary
Linux Alt 7.76.1devel
Linux Alt 7.76.1libcurl
Linux Alt 7.76.1source
Linux - Arch
Linux Arch StrongARM7.76.1binaryArch Linux
Linux Arch x86_647.76.1binaryArch Linux
Linux - Clear
Linux Clear 7.76.1binaryClear Linux
Linux - Core OS
Linux Core OS stable 7.71.1binaryCore OS
Linux - CRUX
Linux CRUX 3.5 7.74.0sourceJohannes Winkelmann
Linux - Debian
Linux Debian 7.74.0binaryDebian
Linux Debian 7.74.0develDebian
Linux Debian 7.74.0develDebian
Linux Debian 7.74.0libcurlDebian
Linux - Devuan
Linux Devuan 7.74.0binaryDevuan
Linux - Docker
Linux Docker 7.76.1binaryJames Fuller
Linux - Fedora
Linux Fedora 31
Linux Fedora rawhide
Linux Fedora 19 i3867.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 20 i3867.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 26 i3867.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 34 i3867.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 35 i3867.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL7 i3867.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 25
Linux Fedora 30
Linux Fedora 20 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 21 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 26 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 32 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 33 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 34 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 35 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL7 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL8 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux - Frugalware
Linux Frugalware 7.76.1binary
Linux - Gentoo
Linux Gentoo 7.76.1source
Linux - GoboLinux
Linux GoboLinux 7.68.0devel
Linux - Guix
Linux Guix ARM7.74.0
Linux Guix i3867.74.0
Linux Guix x86_647.74.0
Linux - Linux From Scratch
Linux Linux From Scratch 7.76.1source
Linux - Maemo
Linux Maemo 3.2 7.15.5binary
Linux Maemo 3.2 7.15.5libcurl
Linux Maemo 4.0 7.15.5libcurl
Linux Maemo 4.1 7.15.5libcurl
Linux Maemo 5.0 7.18.2libcurl
Linux - Mageia
Linux Mageia ARM7.76.1binaryMageia
Linux Mageia ARM647.76.1binaryMageia
Linux Mageia i3867.76.1binaryMageia
Linux Mageia x86_647.76.1binaryMageia
Linux - NixOS
Linux NixOS 7.74.0sourceNixOS
Linux NixOS i3867.54.1binaryNixOS
Linux NixOS x86_647.74.0binaryNixOS
Linux - OpenEmbedded
Linux OpenEmbedded 7.76.0source
Linux - OpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 8.09.2 ARM7.17.1binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT ARM647.50.0binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT AT917.50.0binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 10.03 AVR327.19.6binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 8.09.1 i3867.17.1binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 8.09.1 MIPSel7.17.1binaryOpenWRT
Linux - PLD
Linux PLD 7.76.0source
Linux PLD Alpha7.16.1binary
Linux PLD Alpha7.16.1devel
Linux PLD i3867.16.1binary
Linux PLD i3867.16.1devel
Linux PLD PPC7.16.1binary
Linux PLD PPC7.16.1devel
Linux PLD Sparc7.16.1binary
Linux PLD Sparc7.16.1devel
Linux PLD x86_647.16.1binary
Linux - Redhat
Linux Redhat RHEL4 7.12.1sourceRed Hat
Linux Redhat RHEL5 7.15.5sourceRed Hat
Linux Redhat RHEL6 7.19.7sourceRed Hat
Linux Redhat RHEL7 7.29.0sourceCentOS
Linux Redhat RHEL8 7.61.1sourceCentOS
Linux Redhat 7.1 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat 9 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL2.1 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL3 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL3 x86_647.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL4 x86_647.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL7 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Redhat RHEL8 x86_647.76.1binaryPaul Howarth
Linux - Slackware
Linux Slackware ARM7.76.0binaryARMedslack
Linux Slackware i3867.76.1binarySlackware
Linux Slackware PPC7.16.2binarySlackintosh
Linux Slackware S3907.12.2binarySlack/390 Project
Linux Slackware Sparc7.12.2binarySplack
Linux Slackware x86_647.76.1binarySlackware
Linux - SliTaz
Linux SliTaz 7.72.0sourceSliTaz
Linux - Source Mage
Linux Source Mage
Linux - Suse
Linux Suse i3867.76.0binaryopenSUSE
Linux Suse i3867.76.0developenSUSE
Linux Suse i3867.76.0libcurlopenSUSE
Linux Suse x86_647.76.0binaryopenSUSE
Linux - T2
Linux T2 7.74.0sourceT2
Linux - Tizen
Linux Tizen 2.4 7.40.1sourceTizen
Linux Tizen 2.3 ARM7.28.1binaryTizen
Linux - Ubuntu
Linux Ubuntu bionic 7.58.0binary
Linux Ubuntu focal 7.68.0binary
Linux Ubuntu groovy 7.68.0binary
Linux Ubuntu hirsute 7.74.0binary
Linux Ubuntu xenial 7.47.0binary
Linux - Unslung
Linux Unslung 7.17.1binaryPierre Kretschmer
Linux - Ångström
Linux Ångström ARM7.26.0binaryÅngström
Linux Ångström i3867.26.0binaryÅngström
Linux Ångström PPC7.24.0binaryÅngström
Mac OS X
Mac OS X 7.76.1sourceMacPorts
Mac OS X 7.76.1sourceHomebrew
Mac OS X 7.74.0sourceDaniel Johnson
Mac OS X 7.64.1sourceApple
Mac OS X PPC7.31.0develDaniel Johnson
Mac OS X PPC7.31.0libcurlDaniel Johnson
Mac OS X PPC7.28.0binaryDaniel Johnson
Midnight BSD
Midnight BSD 7.75.0binaryMidnight BSD
Minix 7.50.3sourceMinix
MiNT 7.20.1binary
NetBSD 7.76.1source
Open Server
Open Server 5
Open Server 5 7.14.1binaryBrian K. White
OpenBSD 7.76.1sourceChristian Weisgerber
OS/2 7.36.0binaryPaul Smedley
Plan9 7.28.1source9front
QNX 6 7.10.7binary
QNX 6.3 7.19.2binaryQOpenCD
QNX 6.5 7.21.7binaryQNX pkgsrc
RISC OS 7.11.0binaryJames Bursa
SailfishOS 7.68.0Niel Nielsen
SerenityOS 7.65.3sourceSerenityOS
Solaris i3867.76.1binaryOpenCSW
Solaris i3867.76.1libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc7.76.1binaryOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc7.76.1libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc647.76.1binaryOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc647.76.1libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris x86_647.76.1binaryOpenCSW
Solaris x86_647.76.1libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris - Illumos
Solaris Illumos 7.75.0binaryIllumos
Solaris - OpenIndiana
Solaris OpenIndiana 7.76.1OpenIndiana
Tru64 UNIX
Tru64 UNIX 4.0D 7.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Tru64 UNIX 5.1 7.15.1binaryThe Written Word
VMS 8.3 Alpha7.76.1binaryJohn E. Malmberg
VMS 8.4 Alpha7.76.1binaryJohn E. Malmberg
VMS 8.4 ia647.76.1binaryJohn E. Malmberg
VMS 7.3 VAX7.76.1binaryJohn E. Malmberg
Windows 32 bit
Windows 32 bit 7.76.1binarythe curl project
Windows 32 bit 7.76.1binaryChocolatey
Windows 32 bit 7.74.0libcurlVcpkg
Windows 32 bit 7.73.0binaryDirk Paehl
Windows 32 bit 7.64.1binaryStefan Kanthak
Windows 32 bit - cygwin
Windows 32 bit cygwin 7.76.1binaryCygwin
Windows 32 bit cygwin 7.76.1libcurlCygwin
Windows 64 bit
Windows 64 bit 7.76.1binarythe curl project
Windows 64 bit 7.76.1binaryChocolatey
Windows 64 bit 7.74.0libcurlVcpkg
Windows 64 bit 7.73.0binaryDirk Paehl
Windows 64 bit 7.64.1binaryStefan Kanthak
Windows 64 bit - cygwin
Windows 64 bit cygwin 7.76.1binaryCygwin
Windows 64 bit cygwin 7.76.1libcurlCygwin
This colour means the packaged version is the latest stable version available (7.76.1)!

Curl Mac Os X

More information on downloads is available from

Curl Machine For Hair

If you have newer archives or archives for platforms not already present in this table, we'd like to add them to this table with a pointer to your location. Mail curl-release and tell us!

Official curl docker images

The official curl docker images are available on Docker Hub: curlimages/curl.