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A Patton Oswalt tweet from 2013 claims that he is a PROUD pedophile. As I said earlier, James Gunn is the just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Hollywood liberals and their disgusting thoughts. I don’t know if leftist comedian Oswalt meant pedo PHOBE instead of pedophile since that was the point of his 5 year old tweet. Regardless, the Tweet has been up on Twitter for over 5 years now and yet again, it somehow doesn’t violate their terms and service.

Patton Oswalt was one of the very first people I followed on Twitter.I’d admired his dexterous standup comedy for years, from an HBO special to his set for Comedy Central Presents and up through. Comedian Patton Oswalt made clever use of Twitter's 140 character limit in a series of satirical political tweets this week. If you're familiar with Patton Oswalt, the comic is one known for his use of not only the stand up stage, but social media as well. Oswalt sent some tweets that, like many, were 'broken up.'

Patton Oswalt tweet: I am a PROUD pedophile

The angry '@' tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. 'Pedo-phobe' shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) July 9, 2013

But wait, there’s more. Oswalt also tweeted later that year about how children love to “rub his dong.”

I can’t claim to know what’s really in Patton Oswalt’s heart. I can only take the tweet for what it said. If this guy really is a pedophile and is bragging about it, then i’m beyond creeped out.

Oswalt has had five years to clarify what he meant by this tweet, but hasn’t chosen to do so. He is of course one of the Hollywood leftists upset over the James Gunn firing by ABC.

Will NBC fire Patton Oswalt for this pitiful tweet (no matter how he meant to express himself?)

I really hope that Oswalt meant to write PedoPHOBE instead of pedophile.

There are shocking revelations surrounding the Twitter account of known anti-Trump propagandist Patton Oswalt, which his Twitter feed was recently uncovered to have tweeted admissions to being a “PROUD pedophile,” and offering praise of Adolf Hitler for the genocide of six million Jews, only to later discuss masturbating in relation to children.

<strong><span>Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest.</span></strong>-<i>QAnon</i>

The first disturbing tweet from the disgraceful and the dangerous Twitter account of Patton Oswalt states,<a href=''> “The angry '@' tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. 'Pedo-phobe' shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!”</a>

<blockquote><p>The angry &quot;@&quot; tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. &quot;Pedo-phobe&quot; shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!</p>&mdash; Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) <a href=''>July 9, 2013</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote><p>always archive<a href=''></a><a href=''>' target='_blank'></a> <a href=''></a></p>&mdash; Kek_Magician (@Keque_Mage) <a href=''>July 21, 2018</a></blockquote>

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As if the above isn't shocking enough, Oswalt goes on to implicate himself as an antisemite, as well as being a failed actor, by saying,<a href=''> “Hitler was absolutely right about the Jews. And I don't care how many 'white power' redneck followers I lose by Tweeting that.”</a>

<blockquote><p>Hitler was absolutely right about the Jews. And I don&#39;t care how many &quot;white power&quot; redneck followers I lose by Tweeting that.</p>&mdash; Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) <a href=''>August 17, 2013</a></blockquote>

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If you thought those tweets were vile enough as is, Patton Oswalt is also on record tweeting,<a href=''> “My dong is super-friendly and loves getting rubbed by children.”</a>

<blockquote><p>My dong is super-friendly and loves getting rubbed by children. <a href=';ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw'>#CareerEndingTwitterTypos</a></p>&mdash; Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) <a href=''>November 4, 2013</a></blockquote>

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These disturbing tweets are a serious sign of mental illness, and quite frankly, a dangerous pedophile and antisemitic Democrat, one who hates President Trump.

It's kind of ironic that the Democratic Party, who misleads the public by depicting Trump supporters as racist, are actually endorsing policies and rhetoric that would-be fitting for the Nazi party.

Before Oswalt defenders jump aboard the train of defending his statement as “comedy,” they should realize that the statement is in no way a joke and that Oswalt has a history of connections to those labeled as racists.

The cartoonist responsible for Nazi drawings, A. Wyatt Mann, and the white supremacist author Jim Goad, are both seen in photographs with Patton Oswalt, as seen below:

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<span>Credit: <a href=''> Know Your Meme</a></span>

For those unaware, A. Wyatt Mann is the cartoonist responsible for the depiction of countless antisemitic cartoons, and a known racist, who makes no effort to hide his bigotry, as reported by<a href=''> Data Lounge </a>and even the ultra-liberal<a href=''> Buzzfeed</a>.

Yes, the infamous anti-Trump Patton Oswalt is pictured as friends with known neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and the irony of such is beyond comprehension.

Again, <i>those who scream the loudest.</i>

<blockquote><p>God, this interview. Trump has the mind of a child. A. Child. A six year-old talks like this. Exactly like this. <a href=''>

&mdash;' target='_blank'></a></p>&mdash; Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) <a href=''>March 22, 2016</a></blockquote>

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If you want additional conversation that these types of pedophilia-laced thoughts are common among Patton Oswalt’s brain, he also tweeted<a href=''> “The best new poetry being written in 2013 is the Vatican's various, lyrical euphemisms for 'child fucking”</a>,” in a similarly vile tweet where the parent of one seems to have brash thoughts about sex with children.

The disturbing tweets were uncovered by internet sleuths, shortly after similarly vile comments from Disney and Marvel Studios director James Gunn brought his career to an end working on the “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchise.

It again showcases the vile nature of the “tolerant left,” a party that has no moral boundaries, and less respect for the rights of the innocent than one would expect from Karl Marx.

Peter Patton Oswalt claims to be a “comedian,” having played small roles in the sitcom The King of Queens (1998–2007), voicing Remy in the film Ratatouille (2007), co-starring alongside Charlize Theron in Young Adult (2011), and playing multiple identical brothers, the Koenigs, on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014–17).

Patton Oswalt Twitter Medical

Oswalt made his acting debut in the Seinfeld episode 'The Couch' and has since also appeared in the superhero film Blade: Trinity (2004) and starred in the comedy-drama film Big Fan (2009) and the comedy series The Heart, She Holler (2011–2014). He currently narrates the sitcom The Goldbergs (2013–present) as the adult Adam F. Goldberg, voiced male Jesse in both seasons of the video game Minecraft: Story Mode, stars in the 2017 revival of Mystery Science Theater 3000, voices the title character in the crime comedy series Happy! (2017–present) and co-stars as Principal Ralph Durbin on the sitcom A.P. Bio (2018–present).

<blockquote><p>What&#39;s up with Disney and all of these child molesters and pedophiles working for them? <a href=''>@Disney</a> <a href=''>@ABC</a> Patton Oswalt is on the ABC series <a href=';ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw'>#TheGoldbergs</a>, and Joel Iwataki makes MAJOR films like Star Wars Rogue One, Zootopia, and the upcoming The Incredibles 2.<br><br>Disney = <a href=';ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw'>#PedoGate</a></p>&mdash; Courtney T. @IWillRedPillU (@IWillRedPillU) <a href=''>July 21, 2018</a></blockquote>

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His current role on the ABC series “The Goldbergs,” is even more bad news for the Disney-owned company, who seemingly has a track record for hiring pedophiles.

We know that director James Gunn was recently terminated by Marvel Studios, owned by Disney, and they infamously terminated Roseanne Barr from her #1 rated series “Roseanne,” over a tweet.

<blockquote><p>Since everyone is paying attention to <a href=';ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw'>#JamesGunn</a> again, let&#39;s remind them <a href=''>@Disney</a> <a href=''>@ABC</a> STILL EMPLOYS A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER-<br><br>Joel Edward Iwataki<br>IMDB<a href=''>
HomeFacts:</a><br><br>HomeFacts:<a href=''>
OffenderRadar:</a><br><br>OffenderRadar:<a href=''>
Star' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Star Wars Rogue One etc <a href=''></a></p>&mdash; Courtney T. @IWillRedPillU (@IWillRedPillU) <a href=''>July 21, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Yet, Disney still employs a convicted child molester, Joel Iwataki, who has credits on major Hollywood blockbuster children's films such as “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” “Zootopia,” “The Incredibles 2,” and many more.

<blockquote><p>You can&#39;t say &quot;crepe&quot; without &quot;rape&quot;.</p>&mdash; Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) <a href=''>November 20, 2010</a></blockquote>

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The now-infamous quote, <b><i>“Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest,”</i></b> from QAnon, seems to resonate well with the day-to-day examples we're witnessing play out before our eyes in American society, albeit especially among the Democratic Party’s Hollywood elitists.

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<span>Credit: <a href=''> QAnon </a></span>

Patton Oswalt Twitter Posts

Patton Oswalt should be immediately terminated from his role on any film set, or television series, based upon his despicable rhetoric that's now been released to the general public.

Patton Oswalt Twitter Page

All of the tweets from Patton Oswalt have been archived, and there are backup screenshots in case he deletes them as well.

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Disney, the parent company of ABC, need look no further than the above tweets to make their decision on Oswalt’s termination, but considering the fact that Joel Iwataki is still employed by the company, I don't expect much without the public contacting them.

You can contact American Broadcasting Network (ABC) at 1-800-230-0229 or<a href=''> submit a complaint directly to ABC via their website</a>, and let them hear why you feel the promotion of pedophilia should result in a termination of Oswalt.

You can also contact the Walt Disney Company by calling 1-855-553-4763 or by<a href=''> issuing a complaint to the Walt Disney Company via their website</a>.

As Americans, we can no longer stand by while this type of hateful, disgusting, and perverse promotion the forced-rapes of children is encouraged by overpaid and under-talented Hollywood liberals.

Let your voices be heard!

<strong><span>Tips? Info? Send me a message!</span></strong>

~<b>Send Me An E-Mail!</b>

—<i>[email protected]</i>

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Patton Oswalt Twitter Rant

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