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  1. 7 Tweaking PopClip

  • PopClip (Mac App Store)
    • News (see Twitter as well as .. )

    • Support
      • support@pilotmoon.com
    • Extensions

About PopClip

'In the simplest terms, PopClip ($4.99, but you can get a free trial) adds left-click actions to text. When you highlight a block of text, PopClip automatically pops up and offers you a few different actions you can do with the text. It looks a lot like the highlight function in iOS. If you're not a fan of keyboard shortcuts, this alone is a pretty handy little feature. However, what makes PopClip truly interesting is the extensions. With these installed, you can select a block of text, and instantly send it over to your favorite to-do program, notes app, or even append that text to existed clipboard text.'
*TIP: You can make PopClip appear with AppleScript (one line): tell application 'PopClip' to appear
  • TIP can be helpful if you attach it to a keyboard shortcut, see HammerSpoon and Creating a Service with Automator.
  • Pilotmoon.com: PopClip (Official page) (Mac App Store)

Mac App Store vs. Website Download

'Mac App Store is unable to install older versions of purchased apps. If you previously purchased PopClip on the Mac App Store and you wish to reinstall it on your Mac running OS X 10.6 or 10.7, please install from this page and contact me for a license key.'
  • Pilotmoon Software Knowledge Base: Download PopClip

Beta Version

PopClip latest beta. This is the latest in-development version. See the release notes for details.

PopClip Extensions

If you are have software development skills, you can make your own PopClip extensions. Extensions can call AppleScripts, run shell scripts, invoke system services, generate keystrokes and open URLs. The possibilities are endless.

Action TypeDescriptionExample
ServiceInvoke a Mac OS X Service, passing the selected text.MakeSticky
AppleScriptRun an AppleScript, with the selected text embedded.Evernote
Shell ScriptRun a shell script, with the selected text passed as an environment variable.Uppercase
URLOpen an HTTP URL, with the selected text URL-encoded and inserted.GoogleTranslate
KeypressPress a key combination.Delete
PopClip Extensions install to:

Related sources:
  • Pilotmoon.com: PopClip (Official page)
  • Lifehacker.com: How to Soup Up Your Mac's Left-Click with PopClip

PopClip Preferences/Settings

  • Start at Login
  • Show in menu bar
  • Appearance Size
  • Spelling Language
  • Actions/Extensions (PopClip Extensions)
  • Excluded Apps
  • PopClip Feedback - Pilotmoon Support <support@pilotmoon.com>
  • Pilotmoon Software (Twitter)

Preventing PopClip from Appearing

  • Hold down the ⌘ or Fn key while selecting text, and PopClip will not appear.
  • To avoid PopClip showing up when using a particular application, add it to the Excluded Apps list in PopClip preferences. Click the '+' button to show the file chooser, and select the application you want to add to the list.
  • Tip: Holding ⌥ when clicking '+'adds the currently active application directly to the list.
  • You can turn off PopClip completely by clicking the on/off button in the preferences panel.
  • Tip: Right-clicking the PopClip menu bar icon is a shortcut to toggle PopClip on/off.
  • Advanced tip: You can also toggle PopClip on/off using AppleScript.

Tweaking PopClip

Increase the max number of activated extensions (limit 25)

At Terminal: “defaults write com.pilotmoon.popclip MaxNumberOfExtensions -int 99” then Quit and restart PopClip

See Also

  • PopClip Extensions - This repository contains the documentation for making your own extensions (this readme file) as well as the source files for the extensions published on the main PopClip Extensions page.
  • Mac::PopClip::Quick - quickly write PopClip extensions in Perl http://metacpan.org/release/Mac-PopClip-Quick/
  • github.com:
  • Application Integration
    • Choosy - An extension for PopClip to integrate with Choosy.
  • MacOS: Spotlight
    • Spotlight - Spotlight extension for PopClip.
  • Development
    • Annotation - This extension help you to annotate your code with PopClip
    • CoffeeScript - CoffeeScript-to-JS conversion extension for PopClip.
  • Network
    • MacID - Send Selected Text to all iOS devices via MacID
  • Numbers
    • Pure Number - Converts any Chinese numbers into pure Arabic figures.
  • Reference
  • Web
    • Library Genesis: Search selected text in Library Genesis with default browser.
    • Sci-Hub: Search selected text in Sci-Hub with default browser.
    • YouTube Download - PopClip extension to download video referred by selected URL using youtube-dl to ~/Movies directory. youtube-dl should already be installed in your system.
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Popclip Popsocket

PopClipアプリは、 1クリックで使える様々な拡張機能が利用できる便利アプリ です。有料(600円)ですが、使って損はないアプリです。有料ですが、すごく使いやすいのでおすすめです。. Aqua obsidian. あなたの検索スピードを100倍にする「PopClip」の使い方・設定レビュー アプリ7、Spark やっとたどり着いた、最強のメールアプリ。.